

Explore Atoti solutions for treasury and collateral teams

Gain a real-time, reliable view of your liquidity profile and collateral positions across every level of your organization. With Atoti, you can run complex stress scenarios to prepare for any future uncertainties, ensuring you are never caught off guard.

Harness these powerful insights to effectively balance risk and profitability, driving smarter decision-making and optimal financial performance.


Have a consolidated view of all your treasury data (payment data, trading, inventory, positions, exposure) coming from all source systems across the organization

Move away from batch architecture to continuous monitoring of all operations that impact treasury

Run dynamic stress-testing and forecast all your future funding needs, gaps, and cash availability

Monitor intraday liquidity with a best-in-class real-time aggregation platform, optimize your liquidity buffer and comply with regulation BCBS 248

Compare the balance sheet's status against your financial planning, and adjust scenarios on demand

Get up-to-date global inventory views, across all business lines, ensure compliance with pledging requirements, and optimize collateral to maximize profit

Collateral position monitoring

Gain real-time monitoring and reporting access to exposures, pledged collateral and collateral requirements across all asset classes. Aggregate asset pools across the firm for efficient and cost-effective optimization. This way, collateral trading desks can pledge, substitute and recall assets to increase revenue generation. Desks also get advance notice of pending issues with deviation-based alerts.

Intraday liquidity monitoring

Comply with regulatory requirements by capturing and matching cash outflows and inflows in real time. Compute the cumulative net cash flows over any time bucket. Simulate the delay of a payment to understand its impact on the min and max cumulative cash flows for the day, across any dimension (currency, settlement system, business units, etc.) with Atoti.

Real-time inventory management

Access latest balance sheet data in real time and monitor your organization’s HQLA (High-Quality Liquid Assets) with Atoti.

Filter and sort financial instruments by rating, maturity and risk clusters; simulate asset class reclassification of assets and assess their impact on inventory quality metrics.

Real time IMUM

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Collateral optimization

Assess collateral inventory and immediately identify
positions that are over- or under-collateralized.
Dynamically and interactively run optimization
scenarios to define the best pledge strategy to apply. Assess the impact of a pledge strategy on the global inventory, HQLA and other liquidity concerns. Build what-if scenarios to examine the impact of a rating change or any netting set.


Manage margin rules for uncleared OTC derivatives on our ISDA-certified platform; compute margin requirements and explain day-on-day changes in your margins, linking them to changes in your exposure.

Empower your team to run what-if simulations on any trade and netting set; apply CSA parameter changes and see their impact on current margins. Review counterparties and identify the smallest and largest SIMM amounts, while leveraging automated alerts to monitor breaches.

Break down margin costs per trading unit using our margin allocation algorithms.

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